Danish Summer Plate

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Kodanska ApS c/o Marie Graff


Creating a table setting starts with a purpose, an occasion, the guests or sometimes just a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the garden. My favorite part of getting ready for a dinner party is setting the table as it is an opportunity for a personal and aesthetic storytelling.

Our colourful plates are hand blown by individual glass blowers who put their very own artistic touch on the specific plate. It makes every single plate a unique piece of art.

Marie Graff is the designer and owner of Kodanska. The company name
Kodanska translates to ‘Copenhagen street’ from Czech and this is the name
of the street where Marie and her family lived for four years in the heart of
Prague. Marie and her family are now back in Denmark and from here Marie
continues close collaboration with her team of glass blowers in the Czech

The collection is inspired by the rainy Danish summer where the structure on the glass reflects drops of rain. The Danish Summer Collection is also available in Carafes, Bowls, Milkpitchers, Longdrink and Tumblers.

Flere produkter fra Kodanska ApS c/o Marie Graff

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Kodanska ApS c/o Marie Graff

KODANSKA er en fortælling om kompromisløst håndværk, kreativitet og funktionalitet skabt af designer, Marie Graff. Det hele startede i Prag, hvor Marie boede i en årrække med sin familie. ”Kodanska” var navnet på den gade de boede på og betyder ”Københavnsgade”. Her opstod ideen til, hvad der i dag er en af Danmarks mest innovative glasvirksomheder. Kvalitet er et altoverskyggende nøgleord i Kodanskas produktion og gennemsyrer både håndværk, design og funktionalitet. Alle produkter er håndlavede unika produkter, som rummer et væld af kombinationer, farver og mønstre og skaber æstetiske, levend

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