
Humdakin Presents This Fall's New Arrivals

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1. august 2024 | Humdakin

Humdakin Welcomes You to a New Season

In our autumn collection, you’ll discover a literal red thread inspired by the colors of a racetrack. To us, a racetrack represents teamwork, quick decision-making, effective communication, and staying cool under pressure—all values that are highly prioritized at Humdakin.

In the new collection, you’ll find exciting colors and fresh looks, along with even more self-care and hygiene products—all in the signature style you know and love from Humdakin. We hope to inspire you to refresh your routine this fall.

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Med en mission om at inspirere hele verden til at holde rent, lancerede Camilla Schram i 2016 livsstilsbrandet Humdakin.

Hos Humdakin er der fokus på 5 centrale ting: effektive produkter, allergivenlige formularer, miljø, rene dufte og smukt design, der alle går igen i alt hvad vi laver. Derfor finder du ansvarlige rengørings-, pleje- og husholdningsprodukter, hvor der ikke er gået på kompromis med effekt, ingredienser og det smukke udseende.

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